How to kite surf: Toeside Ollie – Strapless – North Kiteboarding Academy



Watch as we show you how to do a Strapless Toeside Ollie. This in depth tutorial is packed with loads of tips and tricks, brought to you by the all-new North Kiteboarding Academy. The toeside ollie is the first step for many strapless freestyle and wave moves. First fly your kite up to 11 or one o´clock and switch to toeside. Step back with your back foot and carve upwind to prepare to pop. While you kick down with your back foot make sure the nose of the board is pointed into the wind. As you take off shift your weight from your toes to your heels. This will bring the windward rail higher and help the wind to press the board on your feet. One of the keys for the ollie is to bend your front knee quickly during takeoff. This will let the nose rise up! Right after takeoff kick the tail up into the wind. To land with the nose pointed downwind push the nose down and downwind with your front foot. The higher you jump and the more airtime you have the more important it is to pull your toes up to get the windward rail higher! This will help you a lot to control the board in the air. Flatten the board for landing and ride out. Let´s remember the key elements: Fly the kite to 11 or 1 o´clock and switch to toeside Step back with your back foot and carve upwind During takeoff start to shift the weight from the toes to the heels When airborne pull your toes up and kick the tail up and upwind and the nose downwind


