Alexander Lewis-Hughes – Unhooked – Ozone

Alexander Lewis-Hughes ripping unhooked with Ozone AMP 15m.

After many queries in regards to tips for un-hooked wave riding I realised many people believe you need the perfect conditions to do it. I don’t think this is true and in some regards I feel un-hooking actually lets you milk conditions that are somewhat un-rideable for me hooked-in.
So here’s a cross-onshore session at around 14knots (and less) with a 15m AMPv1 as evidence. You’ll notice there’s absolutely no one in the water, that’s because they can’t ride these conditions hooked-in.



Kite: Ozone AMPv1 15m, 25m lines.
Board: Blacksheep 5’10ft Custom.
Filmer: Karolina Winkowska.


